Sunday, March 26, 2023

The Issue of the Hour in Lebanon

The controversial issue of the hour change in Lebanon should not be made trivial or sectarian and should be resisted by all Lebanese regardless of religion. On what premise? 

First for this type of decision to be taken, it usually involves different elements of society and takes time and consensus to build and a law to be passed, typically in parliament, advising people how to prepare for it. It has taken years in some nations (US ...) and is still in the process. That is what happens in states that respect their people and their rights. 

Second, such a transcendental decision certainly cannot be taken so cavalierly and so precipitously with so much disregard to the disruptions and divisions it may cause to the people and their business. Sadly, if one sees the leaked video of how the decision was taken by Speaker Berri and PM Miqati, it is indeed intoxicating how such rulers are toying with the lives of the Lebanese people. 

Third, this unilateral decision is really no different than other unilateral decisions such rulers are taking on truly critical issues such as Banking deposits, Presidency, Explosion, Oil and Gas etc ... It is a pattern that shows they think they own the country. They don't and it is left to the people to resist them and tell them they don't, on this and every other issue.

Fourth, on Constitutional grounds, it is actually illegal as it goes against what is typically referred to as "social harmony", which ironically Berri himself has invoked on so many occasions to get himself elected as Speaker. Clearly, there are communities in Lebanon who have rejected this decree, therefore why is he not applying the same "social harmony" ruling in this case?

And finally, this seemingly silly ruling actually weakens respect for an already declining state and causes divisions as it evidently has ... and instead it moves Lebanon away from agreed- to international norms into the orbit of a pariah state ruled by incompetent and inconsiderate rulers.

For all the above justifications, all Lebanese should oppose the decision and resist it ... As for members of the Muslim community complaining about the extra hour of fasting, maybe we should man it up, as Muslims with time changes all over the world have. Plus I'm sure the Almighty would consider counting the extra hour of fasting in favor of the good nationalist deed ... 😉

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